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Mogelijke vluchten
USA/FAA vlieg instructeur met CFI CFII MEI vergunning plus Privé en zakenvluchten verder ophalen/leveren van vliegtuigen in Europa en Noord Africa, W. Rusland, Azië, enz.
Voor meer informatie ga naar "Aircraft Flight Trips"
We doen deze vluchten alleen met schroefvliegtuigen met een Amerikaans registratienummer
European Grouping of American Pilots
Europese Groepering van Amerikaanse Piloten
Klik voor een overzicht van de mogelijkheden in de hier vermelde websites:
USA/FAA Flight Instructor for Training-Biennial Flight review & Charter Pilot
with Pressurized endorsement.
Vliegtuigen ophalen/leveren in Europa, Noord-Afrika en West-Rusland
Delivery/Pick-up of aircrafts in Europe, North-Africa and West-Russia
Certified Flight Instructor for Single and multi Engine Airplanes with an Instrument Rating (IFR)
USA/FAA Commercial Pilot
I. Rating (IFR)
Single and multi engine
with Pressurized endorsement
Biennial Flight Review - BFR
The flight review (previously the Federal Aviation Administration referred to this as a biennial flight review, usually abbreviated BFR) is a review required of every active holder of a US pilot certificate at least every two years. The flight review consists of at least 1 hour of ground instruction and 1 hour in-flight with a qualified instructor.
Before being able to act as pilot-in-command (PIC) a pilot must have completed a flight review within the previous 24 calendar months. The FAA and instructors are quick to point out that it is not a test. There is no pass or fail criteria, although the instructor giving it can decline to endorse your log-book that a flight review has been completed.
Webmaster Daphne D.